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What is you customer looking for in interior design services?

What is you customer looking for in interior design services?

The gang who are connected with “The Hope of Design” often ask this question. What is our customer looking for? What do they really want from us?

Our list gets shorter every year so not listed by any importance or interest, here it goes, for 2011:

What do they really want from us?

To get a deal; find designer furniture & accessories at discount prices.

They don’t want to invest the time to figure out the formula for a project and don’t want it to be “wrong”. So they are willing to throw a few bucks our way.

They feel like they are creative,  just don’t have all the tools, and want a designer to give them accessibility to resources so they can design it for themselves.

Designers of All Kinds Need to Make a Buck! But Be Careful.

Designers of All Kinds Need to Make a Buck! But Be Careful.

Design;  interior, industrial, architectural, graphic, fashion, etc. all have unique differences but have more in common than not.

iStock_000003809094XSmallWe sell time, we sell ideas and some of our clients work really hard not to pay for time or ideas.  So we bundle it against products, furniture, software, wardrobes, printing, etc. All in the hopes of gaining a return on our time to earn a wage that pays our college loans and makes us respectable bread winners for our families. (more…)