(616) 459-3539

Utilizing contract purchasing to provide FF&E (Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment, or another version is FF&A, Furniture, Fixtures and Accessories) is not only convenient but creates value.

While not a permanent part of the building structure, they do add value both financially and aesthetically. The FF&A selection and procurement process is typically not included in most architectural services but is handled outside of architecture in the interior design process. This final stage of selection and procurement of the items that complete the space is one of the services offered by r.o.ii Design.

Especially for multi-family housing, a strategic design plan that includes furnishings and accessories will provide years of return on investment.

While multi-family housing (apartments, student housing, vacation rentals, and senior living properties) are residential communities, they require the function and durability required of a commercial environment with the aesthetics of residential design.

    When making design decisions, there are several things to consider.


          • The budget for a furnishings package varies based on the level of finishes, the quantity of accessories, the quality of the artwork, and the related costs in design, coordination, storage, and setup.
          • The demographics of the target residents impact the choices made in location, laying out the physical space, lighting, and amenities, can all influence the overall design.
          • Strategic use of color and texture combine to create an inviting and comfortable space to gather. Elevated amenities and spaces that promote social gatherings and interactions are desirable in today’s market.
          • Marketability attracts prospective residents.
          • Good interior design can help your property:
            • Stand out in competitive market
            • Attract tenants
            • Maintain high occupancy
            • Increased functionality and durability; reduced wear and maintenance cost
            • Positively impact the bottom line

    In the multi-family real estate market, the value of aesthetics sets one property apart from another. Balancing the aesthetic needs of a diverse tenant demographic requires a specialized knowledgeable team.

    Contact us to set up a consultation to see how we can help you maximize your budget and stand out in a competitive market. Rondageyer@roidesign.com or call (616) 272-5302.