(616) 459-3539
FREE Design Advice

FREE Design Advice

Free_Button10 FREE Design Tips:

  • The least expensive changes you can make that still gives you a “bang for the buck”: paint and lighting.
  • The reclaimed wood look will peak this year, but still be specified for the next five to six years.
  • To look your best, freshen the lobby (entry)
  • Exterior finishes are going darker.
  • Interior finishes are going lighter.
  • Quartz is the new granite.
  • The use of graphics in interiors is growing.
  • Favorite wood finishes are still dark but watch out, the light tones will come back soon.
  • Metal and stainless finishes are not going anywhere.

Today, information and inspiration is a “click” away. We can “Google ” perfect paint scheme and be given ga-zillions of options for paint perfection.  You want affordable office furniture? The internet will direct you to so many sites that you start to not value any of them. ( A couple of pages we follow include: designophy.com, designmilk.com, designntrend.com )

But what is the best advice r.o.i. Design can give you?

  • Understand your goals for a design and make sure the changes you make in your business, school or home are going to help you meet those goals.

Asking the right questions and helping focus our customers on what’s important is equally valuable as picking the right color. So when you hire a designer, please expect more than aesthetics. You get what you pay for.



“Design is for Real” The Renovation of Crossroads Wesleyan

“Design is for Real” The Renovation of Crossroads Wesleyan

Completed Renovation

Completed Renovation

largebookThe Burpo family experienced a miracle that resulted in the book and now the movie, “Heaven is for Real”.

That miracle is bringing a lot of attention to the Crossroads Wesleyan Church in Imperial, Nebraska. (heavenisforreal.net) Anticipating a new wave of attention, Pastor Todd Burpo and Executive Pastor Phil Harris, knew this opportunity meant updating their sanctuary to make sure it was a very welcoming place.   A few years ago, they had expanded the church’s footprint with a large multiple purpose room,  additional offices and classrooms because their ministry required those spaces. But now the vintage pews and dated lighting had to go; their story and their ministry was far more dynamic than their worship space.

Design became real. (more…)