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r.o.i. Design responded to a call from a mid-size manufacturer who asked, “Can you help us make our Core Values more prominent in our facility?” They thought it would help them during their interview process as well as engaging existing employees.

This group had just undergone an office remodel and while things were “fresh”, they felt they weren’t communicating their purpose to employees, future employees, and customers. “We want employees to know they are coming to work not just to make parts, but their actions and leadership’s actions are part of a larger mission. They are impacting the lives of our customers and creating positive change.”

This group wants everything about their space to reflect who they are, and they realize that it is more than words and posters. Making their “brand” important impacts more than the hiring and retaining of employees.

This notion is supported by business leaders, as cited in the article Importance of Interior Design to Grow your Business” written by Ideagram for LinkedIn.

“Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.”  — Robert L. Peters. Interior design is an opportunity to reflect your brand identity. Your physical space should align with your company’s values and vision. (1.)

“Design is the last great competitive advantage.” — Seth Godin. A thoughtfully designed interior has the potential to enhance the overall customer experience and set you apart from the competition.

 “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs. A well-designed interior can enhance the functionality of your space. Through thoughtful layout planning and efficient use of space, you can optimize workflow and improve productivity.

A master plan for branding design can be created thoughtfully and rolled out over time as budget and buy-in allow. For our mid-size manufacturer, the process had to start with leadership, making sure they were all on board to make communicating the brand a high priority. A priority worth the investment in design.

    © Photos Credit: Stewart Signs.