West Michigan Dermatology – Rockford
West Michigan Dermatology – Rockford
6150 Northland Dr. NE
Rockford, MI 49341
We worked with a returning customer, West Michigan Dermatology, on their Grandville and Holland locations. The brand look was perfected and translated into this large new space in Rockford, Michigan. The project was constructed and managed by First Companies.
The gentle color palette continued in Rockford with a few changes. The lighter trim used in Holland showed too much wear, so on this project, we chose stained doors and trim. This change coordinated with the lobby ceiling trim which outlined the seating area. We procured the furniture in the waiting room and MoH’s waiting room and designed the layout for these spaces. The fabrics bring a blue accent to the space while completing the calming interior finishes. We added a final touch with outdoor picnic tables and branded umbrellas.
Like previous projects, the carpet had contrasting insets in front of exam room doors to help patients find their way. Since this office was so much larger than others, these insets were extremely helpful. But the balance of the finishes were duplicated from their Grand Rapids Rivertown location except for two discontinued carpets, (hallway and team area.)
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© All photos courtesy of First Companies, Inc.